![]() Mazrim Taim
Hi. I'm Mazrim Taim, but my real name is Marlon MacAllister. I worked for RPGClassics from late 1999 to sometime around 2003. Why'd I join? Because the people here listened to me and took me seriously. At the tender age of 12 or 13 this was a godsend. Why'd I leave? Well, for about three years RPGC and I were Best Friends. We shared a heartfelt love that beautified both our minds. Seriously, RPGClassics was never far from my thoughts. Its struggles and my struggles were one and the same. I had no real life friends - all my friends were here. But then around 2003, the RPGC path lost its heart. That deck had played out. I found myself not really getting into anything that was going on. There didn't seem to be any reason. My last interaction with RPGClassics was a party I went to in July of 2004 in LA, which was a hell of a lot of fun, even though some dude hooked up with my online enamorada. But these things happen. Online all you need to get through any situation is a skill with the written word; but in the real world you also need integrity. I grew up and learned to interact with people online - I've only recently even begun to think about integrity as an essential aspect of life. Anyways, it's too bad I probably won't ever get to know you, but maybe I'll stop by and you'll be around, and we can get to know one another. I am presently a student at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, which is an amazing school. I wrote this there, and I'd like to share it with you, if you have a lot of time. It's about 60 pages long, but I know what it's like to have entire days to spend at a website. Those were beautiful days - appreciate them! And read this: The Book of Hero